1. The participant must use the seeds provided in the Be a #Farmdost kit to grow plants and also share pictures of all six stages* of the plants’ growth on www.FarmDost.com
2. The participant whose pictures have the highest number of Facebook Likes + Shares (for all six pictures put together on the FarmDost facebook page facebook.com/FarmDost) will win the Best #FarmDost Student Award for the city
1. The participant must meet atleast 3 farmers to understand their life and farming.
2. The participant must click pictures with the farmers and write about their experience. This should be uploaded on FarmDost.com
3. Evaluation will be based on the most innovative way of thanking the farmer.(No material transaction but simple gestures and deep appreciation for what the farmers do)
Write to us
Be a #FarmDost Rules and Regulations
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The contest and eligibility
The Be a #FarmDost Contest is organized by Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited, the “Organizer”, for schools in Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Trichy. The schools have been selected on the criteria of them showing interest to participate in this contest on a first-come first-serve basis. Students from Class IV - X are encouraged to participate in this activity. The participation of the higher secondary school students (Class XI - XII) is at the discretion of the respective schools.
The word “Participant” implies that the participant is the student who plants the seeds given in the FarmDost seed kit, nurtures the plants and shares pictures of it, as per the guidelines shared further in this document, on the FarmDost website: www.FarmDost.com.
Each school must have a contest coordinator or a teacher-in-charge (the 'contest coordinator' or 'coordinator') to oversee the coordination and administration of the contest for the school. All participating students must submit their entries under their respective schools only - either directly or through the contest coordinator, who will then register and submit the entries to the Organiser by way of uploading on www.FarmDost.com.
To take part in the contests, the participant / coordinator must navigate to the “Contest” section on FarmDost.com and fill the form for the relevant contest and submit the photo(s) or post(s) as entries along with the other necessary details. The information provided while submitting the entries must be accurate. Entries not adhering to the guidelines will be disqualified.
Submission of entries
It is the responsibility of the participant / coordinator to compile and submit the entries. Each school can submit as many unique entries as possible and all entries must be in the form of digital photographs of the student’s cultivation of the seeds either at the school or at their home.
Awards and categories:
The following are the proposed awards and the Organisers have the rights to cancel awards if sufficient entries were not received before the deadline.
School Awards:
Champion of Champions Award: One school will be selected based on the overall participation percentage in all the activities among the four cities.
Best #FarmDost School Awards: The top three schools in each city with the highest percentage of participation in the Best #FarmDost Student contest will receive this award based on evaluation.
#ThankYouFarmers School Awards: The top three schools in each city with the highest percentage of participation in the #ThankYouFarmers Student contest will be recognized with this award.
Student Awards:
Best #Farmdost Student Awards: Three awards from each city for individual students from among the participating schools. The judgement will be based on the entries submitted by the students. Student entries should comply the six stages - seeding / planting, germinating, day 7, day 14, day 21 and day 28. However if the crop is read to be harvested before day 28, the picture of the harvested crop will be considered as the last picture.
#ThankYouFarmers Awards: Three awards from each city for individual students selected from among the participating schools where the students have to compulsorily meet with 3 farmers and thank them with the most innovative gesture.
Valuation and Judgement
The contest is open for a period of 30 days or as communicated by Organizer’s school coordination team. The contest will be judged by a jury appointed by the Organizers and / or social media scores as defined further in this document.
I. Evaluation criteria for the Best #FarmDost School Award - Top 3 schools in each city
1. Defining the student pool – The school has to declare the number of students in the selected grades among 4th – 12th (if they are permitting the 11th and 12th grades to participate). This declaration is critical to the evaluation and has to be signed by the principal / correspondent with the school seal. No school can participate without this declaration.
2. The school with the highest participation percentage based on the declared student pool will be adjudged the winner of the “Best #Farmdost School Award” for the respective city.
II. Evaluation criteria for the Best #FarmDost Student Award - 3 individual awards for participants in each city
1. The participating student has to upload 6 pictures of their plants cultivated using the seeds provided in the #FarmDost kit. The seed kits have two variety of seeds – spinach, and lady finger/ cluster bean. . The student can choose the seeds they want to cultivate for the contest and the picture submitted should be of the same plant through out the entire contest period. IF THE STUDENT HAS PLANTED SPINACH AND UPLOADED THIS AS FIRST PICTURE OF THE SEEDING, THE STUDENT’S SUBSEQUENT PICTURES HAVE TO BE THAT OF SPINACH, THEY CANNOT ALTERNATE TO LADY FINGER OR CLUSTER BEANS.
2. The Organizer will upload these pictures in the respective school album on the #FarmDost facebook page facebook.com/FarmDost. The organizers will send this link to the school / participating student to promote it further.
3. The participant who has the highest number of Facebook “Likes” + “Shares” for all six of his / her plant pictures put together will be chosen as the winner of the “Best #FarmDost Student Award” for the respective city, subject to meeting the following criteria.
i. The participant must submit six pictures depicting the growth of the plant through different stages as defined below:
a. Preparation and seeding
b. Germination
c. 7th day
d. 14th day
e. 21st day
f. 28th day (If the crop is ready to be harvested before day 28, the picture of the harvested crop will be considered as the last picture)
ii. The participant must be present in the picture with the #FarmDost branding (sticker) on the pot / container in which the seeds have been planted, with the date mentioned in the picture or the caption.
iii. If the sticker is damaged for some reason, the participant can make one on their own and paste it or hold it to show that he / she is a #FarmDost.
iv. The physical appearance of the container / pot in which the plants will be grown will not be considered for judging. Any container is good. We encourage students to use recyclable containers.
v. Pictures must be clear and of good quality.
4. The schools and the students must only use seeds provided in the Be a #FarmDost kit. However they may refer to videos and literature available online or elsewhere on how to cultivate.
III. Evaluation criteria for the #ThankYouFarmers School Award – Top 3 schools in each city
1. The school has to encourage each participating students to compulsorily meet with 3 farmers and understand about their life and the work they do to feed the nation.
2. There is no restriction to the number of students who can participate in the #ThankYouFarmers contest.
3. The school with the highest participation percentage based on the declared student pool will be adjudged the winner of the #ThankYouFarmers School Award for the respective city.
IV. Evaluation criteria for the #ThankYouFarmers Student Award – 3 individual awards for participants in each city
1. The participant must submit the entries in the prescribed format available on www.FarmDost.com
2. Each participant must compulsorily meet with 3 farmers and write about their experience along with supporting pictures.
3. The participant must thank the farmer in an innovative way. By that we don’t mean any material transaction should be made, but simple gestures and deep appreciation for what they do.
4. The participants are welcome to involve their family to be a part of this activity.
5. A jury appointed by the Organizer will adjudge the winners based on the pictures and the write-up submitted by the participant and their innovative way of thanking the farmers.
V. Evaluation criteria for Champion of Champions Award - One school among the four cities
1. All the participating schools will be eligible for the award
2. The school with the overall highest participation percentage in the Be a #FarmDost school contest and #ThankYouFarmers school contest across the cities - Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Trichy, based on its declared student pools, will be adjudged the winner of the “Champion of Champions Award”.
Stages of the contest
Stage 1 (On ground activation): A team from the Organizers will visit the schools for an interaction with the students, where information about the initiative will be shared and the #FarmDost kits will be distributed.
Stage 2 (Seed cultivation): The students can cultivate the seeds at home or at the school and should commence this activity on the date mentioned by the Organizer.
Stage 3 (Judging): The contest will be open for a period of one month or as shared by the Organizer. The entries will be judged and the winners will be announced.
Stage 4 (The grand finale): The grand finale and the award ceremony will be held in Chennai.
Additional Terms and conditions
By participating in this contest, all schools expressly agree to have read and understood all rules and regulations set out within, and agree to abide by these requirements. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may result in the rejection of entries and / or disqualification of the participant(s).
Intellectual property rights and indemnification
Pictures of plants shared in this contest are from the sowing of seeds in the FarmDost kit distributed by TAFE during the school activation program.
By participating in this contest, all participants warrant that all material submitted herein (photographs, content, etc.) are the rightful property of the submitting participant and do not infringe or violate the rights of any other third party.
Participants agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser against all claims, losses, damages and / or expenses whatsoever arising from any infringement or violation of any third party intellectual property rights.
All materials, content, images and photos submitted to TAFE for the FarmDost contests are the rightful property of TAFE . TAFE will here on own all photos and content that is submitted and will use it in any rightful manner it deems fit.
In the event of any changes to the dates of the commencing or closure of the contest or announcement of awards, the same will be posted on the FarmDost website or Facebook page.
Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited shall not be liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of this agreement for the period that such failure or delay is due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes or labor disputes, embargoes, government orders or any other force majeure event.
The seeds provided are not products of TAFE but are utilized to promote the idea of farming and has no bearing on TAFE or TAFE’s product quality.
TAFE shall not be held responsible for non-germination on improper growth of the plants. TAFE shall not be held responsible if the seeds have not been sown or nurtured as per the directions in the #FarmDost kit.